While there is no shortage of information about regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy in the media, on the internet, and in brochures across the country, some confusion still persists about it. This is mostly due to the nature of it being a cutting-edge therapy that has only recently become widely available.
This article seeks to give you an in-depth explanation of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy in Keller, and help you determine whether it may help you achieve your health goals.
What is Regenerative Medicine in Keller
Regenerative medicine in Keller is primarily concerned with the mechanisms by why we can help restore the optimal functions of the body by introducing stem-cell rich tissue into your body. The therapeutic effects of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy are then able to reinvigorate your cells, tissues, and organs.

Regenerative Stem Cell Injections in Keller
It’s no secret that your body has the capability to repair itself after an injury. The manner in which your body is able to heal itself is by using its stem cells is made possible by the stem cell’s unique ability to transform into a specialized cell and replace damaged cells. As an example, let’s you’re struggling with back pain in Keller that is a result of a disc injury. In this case, your body needs a specific type of cell to heal the damage. This type of cell would be different if you were dealing with joint pain that is a result of cartilage damage, and can adapt to any number of specialized cells depending on the origin of your pain.
A common question that arises after this explanation of how stem cells work is, if our body already has the capability to produce its own stem cells, how is additional stem cell therapy helpful in the first place?
Stem cell therapy is useful because as the body ages over time, our natural ability to produce stem cells, as well as their effectiveness is diminished. As we age, the body produces a fraction of the number of stem cells it used to and our ability to quickly bounce back from injuries is lost. This doesn’t happen overnight, as such nagging aches and pains that don’t simply go away start developing and before long a life of chronic pain can become the norm.
Regenerative medicine works by utilizing robust stem cells from donated tissues in order to restore your health. Luckily, there exists an ethical, reliable source of stem cells, called Mesenchymal stem cells, for those interested in alternative healthcare.

What are Mesenchymal stem cells?
Mesenchymal stem cells are derived from what’s called Wharton’s jelly, a gelatinous substance which is found in the umbilical cord of newborns. Both the mother and her baby are closely monitored throughout the pregnancy and are never subjected to discomfort or have side-effects as a result of donating the umbilical cord. Any stem cells processed must always uphold the highest standards as ruled by the FDA, as well as the American Association of Tissue Banks.
In utilizing these brand-new, healthy stem cells into your body, your body is given in essence a fresh source of materials by which it can heal any number of injuries and conditions. It’s truly is like becoming young and having the ability to heal quickly again.
What kind of results should I expect from stem cell treatments?
The kinds of results you will be diverse and far-reaching.
First off, when you have experienced an injury that is causing you pain, it means your body has dispatched certain signals to that area, directing the body to ramp up blood flow in an attempt to protect it. Once the blood reaches the affected area, the immune response can lead to inflammation of the surrounding tissue. The most common effect then of stem cell therapy, is the quick relief of pain as a result of the stem cells counteracting inflammation and quelling the auto-immune response.
After the initial therapeutic effects of regenerative medicine have been felt, the long-term effects can be even more astounding. As you’d expect from the name, the cells will begin to regenerate your body’s cells, tissues, and bones. The effects of this mean that not only will you experience pain relief, but your body’s own ability to heal itself will also be reinvigorated. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of individuals finding lasting relief from chronic pain originating from all regions of the body, including the back, knees, shoulders, discs, and extremities. The biggest benefits of the therapy is allowing your body to better address its own injuries.